As a copywriter, I am often asked “how do you write a blog post?” In fact, if you gave me a pound every time I am asked, I’d probably not need to write another blog post ever myself!
This question usually comes about from two angles. Firstly, is from someone who has never written one before. Their thinking is: ‘Where do I start and what do I need to cover? Surely it’s a simple job.’ The second angle comes from those who have dabbled at writing a blog post before. However, they’ve discovered it hasn’t done what they wanted. What’s more, it took a long time and effort, and it still didn’t do what they wanted.
Of course, that’s a primary reason for using a copywriter for your blog post writing. It is a skilled task. Your easiest and fastest solution is to ask me to write your blog posts for you.
However, for those that would like to try their hand at writing their own blog post, all is not lost, here is my SEO blog post tutorial.
How to write a blog post video
The SEO blog post tutorial video below will take you through all of the basic skills involved in writing a blog post. It covers:
· Search Engine Optimisation in blog writing.
· The importance of research and accuracy.
· Why knowing your audience really matters.
· Why a blog post must be carefully planned and structured, rather than bashed out in a rush.
· How to plan a blog post.
· The value of a well-crafted title and powerful introduction, and how to write these.
· How writing a blog post differs from other writing.
· The value of good English, grammar and spelling, and their different use in web writing.
· Why blog posts need to use headings and how to do this.
· How to tackle your subject.
· What length blog post you should write.
· Why links and external sources matter, and how you can use them.
· How to review and refine the post before publishing it, and why this process doesn’t stop there.
Ready to dive in and learn all about how to write a blog post? Here’s the video:
Need professional blog writing help?
If, having watched the video, you’re feeling a little daunted, or simply don’t think you have the time to do your blog posts justice, don’t panic. These are the reasons that SEO copywriters like myself exist. It is a separate job from your day job, requiring distinct skills. It would be like asking me to do gymnastics displays (just ain’t happening).
If you’d like to ensure you have professional blog posts to publish, which reflect your brand, and drive engagement for your business, then a professional blog copywriter is the solution.
And for that, I’m who you need. Get in Touch.